the real estate industry slowly picking up, people have been asking
themselves Where to Live in DC. Since the district has prime housing
opportunities and a better way of living; it should come as no
surprise why folks prefer to settle here. While it's nice to imagine yourself inside your dream home, the big question still hangs in
the air: are you really ready for one?
is no joke. That's why lots of folks choose instead to rent
apartments in DC. Owning a home entails certain financial and
physical responsibilities that most are not ready for. There's
mortgage to think of, upkeep to do every season, and taxes on top if
everything else. But if you're getting frequent dreams of picking
wallpaper or signing contract deals; then maybe it's about time to
rethink those options.
You Have a Budget?

you haven't started yet, begin by saving a bit of your earnings each
month. Real estate tradition dictates that about 20% of the total
home cost must be paid upfront. And this won't be easy without
initial funds. Check your credit card score as well and ensure that
you're in good standing. This makes loaning or getting a bank to
backup the mortgage simpler; instead of being turned down because of
bad credit.
You Have a Stable Source of Income?
not only the cost of living in Washington which will make
home-ownership a challenge. The financial duties such as taxes and
maintenance for a house is something to factor in. Having a stable
job with satisfactory income will allow you peace of mind knowing you
can afford the mortgage; and still be able to eat out every now and
are one of the biggest investments one can make. It's always sad if
someone is evicted just because they cannot afford to complete their
payments. Learn from the mistakes of others by planning ahead.
You Ready to Commit?
like relationships, houses require full-time commitment from their
tenants. Unless you're in the property trading business; homes need
to be in your care for at least three to four years before it can be
up for resale. Analyze yourself and your needs first before
purchasing. Ask important questions like: 'will you enjoy DC
living', or 'do you have no plans of moving out anytime soon'.
You Sure You Want Full Control?
best advantage is also it's downside. Full control requires maturity.
At the end of the day, it's the only place you'll be coming to.
Future home owners must be ready to tackle
challenges associated with having this huge asset by their side –
perhaps for a lifetime.
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